Your Angel Guidance – December 2020

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance – December 2020

“Change is in the air. Collectively, you can feel it and it has an energy of anticipation, waiting for something to happen. This energy can feel like trepidation for some and we urge you to choose eager anticipation rather than fearful trepidation. Whatever changes are coming are ultimately for the good of all. You can watch on in fear or you can align with the truth of change and know that it is for the best.

“Change can seem difficult. Layers of old outworn ways and thinking are being striped away, leaving you feeling vulnerable and bare. But do not be deceived. You are forever strong and mighty. There is power in vulnerability. Dare to be vulnerable. Dare to let it all be stripped back. Dare to let go. It is in letting go of the old that you will find yourself. Not hidden beneath layers of masks but in the beauty of your true-self. This is where you shine. And in shining this light for all to see, others will be encouraged to follow suit.

“The collective energy of change is rising. You can choose to be a leader in this change. Your courage will entice others to be courageous. Step into your power. Cast off the layers. Reveal your beauty. And in so doing, you will be greatly rewarded.

“This is your time to shine.

“Be fearless Dear Ones.”

Thank You for Being Here…

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I help empaths get crystal clear guidance from the Angels each day so they can stop doubting their decisions and start trusting themselves, their path and direction.

I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family.

If you are an empath who wants to connect with your Angels, click here to sign up for this training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day.

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