Your Angel Guidance Monday 19th – Sunday 25th November 2018

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance Monday 19th – Sunday 25th November 2018

“You have no idea how powerful your intention can be.

“Use the power of positive intention to ignite the results you want to see in your life. When you set a positive intention, you set in motion waves of potential that are just waiting to flow towards you. When you doubt your intention, these waves stop flowing to you and you see your doubts as justified. What is clear here is the power of your thoughts, words and actions. When all three are succinct, you are an unstoppable force. There is nothing that can halt the flow of motion set in place when your intention is backed by your words and your actions.

“You have experienced this in the past when you set an intention to go on holiday. You talked to friends or loved ones about where to go. You shared your excitement with colleagues. You took action and booked your destination. You packed your bags and you showed up at the airport. Everything was aligned – one vision.

“When it comes to other areas of your life however, your intention isn’t so focused. You don’t know which career you want. You are unsure if you want to be in a relationship. You doubt your talents. You settle for ill health.

“We are here to remind you to bring the same focus into all your intentions as you did when booking that holiday. Set your intention and let nothing steer you off track… especially yourself! Keep your thoughts, words and actions clearly focused and fixed on the intention you have set, just as you would that holiday which you were certain about. Remain in this certainty and your life will become clear, easy and flowing.”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra, an Author, Healer & Speaker & I teach spiritual empowerment for women. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset. Ready to become the masterful creator of your life?  Learn More Here.

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One response

  • This has been a very mixed year for me and my family. Thankfully my children are getting themselves together but I on the other hand wasted valuable time trying to reignite a toxic marriage. Tonight I’ve seen the light and now I’ve just read your message confirming my new insight…..thank you

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