Your Angel Guidance Monday 28th October – Sunday 3rd November 2019

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance Monday 28th October – Sunday 3rd November 2019

“You’ve been searching for answers and we have heard you but we cannot help until you are ready to ask for and receive help. You may think that you want help, but there is still a part of you that is aligned with struggle.

“We know you long for change but there is learning within the “struggle”. By the way, you can learn through love also if you so choose.

“What is it you need to learn before you move on from this situation? There is always some positive outcome. Identify the positive reward and you fast track your progress.

“If you are unaware of the positive side of it or if you simply can’t see it, we encourage you to seek our help. We have a birds eye view of your life, things are very clear to us. We are happy to share our insight if you so wish.

“Is this your desire? Then just ask and we will show you the opportunity within the struggle.

“The way in which you receive our guidance will be unique to you. You will know it if you are open to it. Sometimes this can happen instantly with a sudden revealing insight. This is our gift to you. Other times you may have to wait a bit longer to receive the answer. We work with divine timing and we understand the perfect moment where you will be most open to receiving our message.

“So doubt no longer. Be patient with the process. The answers are coming. Your insight will be revealed, and you will know without a doubt that everything you experience is for your benefit.”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I’m here to help you to connect with the Angels and ignite your spiritual power. I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel.  

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