Children Can Meditate…Really?

Yes, children can meditate! Children are actually very good at meditating. They live in the moment, not like adults who constantly worry about the past, plan for the future or worse still, anticipate the future with dread. No, children are much better at living in the present moment, which is why they enjoy meditating so much. Don’t believe me, try it for yourself with your kids!

In my recent radio interview on Dublin South FM, I spoke to Padraic Marran about meditation for children, it’s benefits, how to engage their interest, they types of meditation (yes there is more than one type, lots in fact!) and much more fascinating tidbits about meditation which I know you’ll find super interesting.

Listen to the interview audio recording below.

“The average child won’t want to sit still for a long period. I like to equate it to their age, so if it’s a five year old, usually a maximum of five minutes (of meditation), often less, but starting off with a few minutes and building up.”

When you’re finished, let me know if you have tried meditation with your children? What has your experience been? Do you meditate on a regular basis or is all this completely new to you? Let me know, I’d love you to join in on the conversation.

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