Messages From Your Angels


Messages From Your Angels – Monday 29th May

“Fun and lightheartedness are needed right now. You have been feeling far too serious and when you feel this way you block off your Divine guidance. You see, we Angels take ourselves lightly and when you wish to tune into our guidance it’s not possible when you are so serious. There is an energy mismatch! The energy of fun is a light energy and brings your vibration closer to ours. You can the tune into our guidance easier when you are feeling this way.

“We know that not everything in your life inspires you to feel lighthearted and we understand this. We don’t expect you to be like this all the time (although that is possible for you if you wish). However, we are sure you can find fun in some endeavours which you are currently taking seriously. Think of how you can change you attitude and start to have fun today, starting right now. We bet you are already “stressing” about how you can have more fun! It is not something that is forced or scheduled, it is something that you are. Expect to find fun in your day and it will be there. Look for it at every opportunity but do not force it, that after all is not what having fun is about.

“Be in this energy and then ask us a question. Ask for guidance not when you are feeling low but when you are feeling great! This is when you get the clearest guidance from us. Of course, we are here for you and guiding you at all times no matter how you feel. And we judge not your mood, but we do feel that the energy of fun will do you good. Don’t you?

Your Angel Messages are brought to you by Sandra Rea

I am Sandra, your Zen Deity of transformation. I turn your suffering into ease, your pain into relief and your confusion into clarity… Learn More Here

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