Angel healing is a form of energy healing, working with the aid of divine angels. Everyone can benefit from Angel Therapy. In general you will feel a sense of release, followed by feelings of peace, balance and happiness after a spiritual healing session.More Info
Reiki Healing is a powerful yet gentle form of energy healing. Reiki is actively used across the world by Reiki Practitioners to promote healing, balance and well-being. Clients notice enormous benefits after their healing session and often feel as if a weight has been lifted.More Info
Meditation is the practice of letting go and connecting with your inner self in order to promote balance, peace, self-love and to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Everyone can enjoy the practice of meditation and gain great benefits in a short space of time. Sandra teaches meditation classes and mindfulness workshops.
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Sandra healing courses, meditation classes & angel courses and workshops for those interested in Angels, spiritual development and spiritual healing; providing the tools to heal, empower and manifest desires. More Info
If you are looking for direction and guidance in life, my Intuitive Mentoring programme might be just what you're looking for. Read on to find out if this service is for you.
Distance Healing is a great option for people that can't make it out to see me because of sickness or for people that don't live close by. Distance healing is very effective and can sometimes be more powerful than personal sessions. Read on to find out if this service is for you.
I recently attended a Goal Setting Workshop with Sandra. I found her to be excellent, the session was very relaxed yet thorough and exactly for what I was looking for when I booked the workshop. Sandra is very personable and it was a very holistic approach to goal setting. I came out feeling motivated and focused and have already put into practice a lot of what I've learned from it. I would recommend Sandra's workshop to anyone who is looking to create direction in their life.
I am Sandra and I'm a life alchemist. I'm dedicated to helping people like you to deeply heal, to step into your power, to experience true Prosperity on every level and to live your best life. Learn More
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