Your Angel Guidance, Monday 10th – Sunday 16th February 2020

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance, Monday 10th – Sunday 16th February 2020

“Embrace all aspects of yourself, yes even the parts you’d rather not acknowledge. These are the parts of you that need your attention. They need you to first look at them for what they really are – mere shadows, that is all. In order to disperse the shadow, you shine a light on it - your light. You don’t turn your back to it, the shadow still remains. You acknowledge its presence, accept it for what it is (simply a shadow) and choose to release it by bringing in the light. It sounds simple and it is, but you’ve struggled with this. We know you need help and we are here to help you.

“Don’t fight the shadow, just release it. Don’t give it your energy for this is what it wants. Shine a light on it, acknowledge it and release it.

“When you allow yourself to focus on it, and oppose it, all you are doing is feeding it. It wants your attention, but each time you choose to disengage it looses power. Eventually, it will rear its head no longer and the struggle will have ceased. Until this day, do all in your power to walk away. Walk away from the fear that resides in you and it’s roar will become a whimper, until one day it will be no more. Walking away isn’t ignoring what is there. It’s acknowledging the fear, loving the fear and choosing to focus on the light.

“When you choose to walk in the light you are letting go of a lot of “baggage” that you have been carrying around with you. Some of it you’ll release with pleasure, some of it you’ll hold onto. All of it must go! You can’t walk in the light while also remaining burdened with “stuff” that you know doesn’t serve you. Your resistance to letting go causes struggle and you find you’re fighting with yourself. This internal battle is the worst of all as it is one you can’t win. Instead, choose now to stop the internal fight and choose to let go. Each time you feel the struggle cropping up, recognise what is going on and call a stop to it. Don’t fight it, just release it.”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I’m here to help you to connect with the Angels and ignite your spiritual power. I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel. 

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