How to Overcome Your Fears

Overcoming FearsIf you are finding that fears and negative thinking from past situations keep coming up, you may be thinking “I thought I had dealt with this already,” so why is it coming up again?

Picture this scenario: A few months ago you bowled over the management team with your confident presentation and creative ideas and thought, finally I can do this. You no longer fear public speaking which haunted you for years after you embarrassed yourself in school when asked to speak in front of the class.
Why now do you once again find yourself dreading a last minute work presentation and break into a cold sweat at the very thoughts of it?

So whats happening? Well, the good news is that this self doubt is coming to the surface for release. You dealt with part of it previously and even made some good progress in overcoming the fear and letting go of the negative thoughts but they were not completely healed and released.

Rather than waiting for these issues to surface once more, you can instead confront your fears in order to finally release them. When you turn around and face your deepest fears, it takes the power out of them; to the point where you will laugh and wonder what you were ever afraid in the first place. However, if you are constantly running from these emotions, they build momentum and grow ever stronger.

The first step is to search inside yourself for any latent fears, for example a fear of being alone, a fear of dying or a fear of not having enough money, which is a big one for many of us. Be honest with yourself and write down your top three biggest fears. This may sound easy but when it comes to acknowledging our fears we tend to play tricks on ourselves and only pinpoint mild fears, rather than facing what really scares us! Half the battle is identifying what frightens you, which in turn starts to dampen the flame of the fear. Once identified, you have turned to face the fear and it immediately starts to shrink away.

The following is a great visualisation to energetically clear fears and worries:

If you encounter feelings of fear or painful emotions, you can find balance by burning away this heavy energy. Imagine a beautiful gold flame of light before you. Place your negative emotions within this flame and let go. Feel the relief as the negative energy is transmuted by this healing, cleansing fire. Spend some time in this space allowing whatever comes up for release to be burnt away.

If you only spend a few moments practicing the above visualisation, it will bring tremendous relief and healing. It can even be done while you go about your daily activities; for example if you are in the car or at your desk and some issue or fear raises it’s head, see it being burned away by the golden flame as described above. Then let go of the issue and know that it is resolved. Each time something new comes up, however big or small it is in your opinion, practice burning it away and gradually you will release all the fears that have been holding you back.

Below are some other effective practices of release. Have fun with them and find what works best for you. You will be feeling like a new person in no time!

1. Write out your Fears

On a sheet of paper write out anything that is bothering you. Go into as much detail as possible and once you have poured all your emotions onto the page, take a lighter and very carefully (in the safest possible way) burn the page. Collect the ashes and bury them in the earth. Know that the issue or fear has been released and healed.
This is particularly good for those of us that tend to obsess over things and find it hard to let go and move on!

2. Use Visualisation

Imagine yourself standing on the side of a cliff in a beautiful setting. You are holding a bunch of red balloons. Spend a few moments placing your worries and fears into each of the balloons. Let go of the balloons and watch as they drift off into the sky, taking your concerns with them.

3. Stay Grounded

Practice grounding yourself and releasing stress and concerns into Mother Earth for healing and transmutation. For full details on grounding techniques read my Grounding Meditation post. Grounding is enormously beneficial for maintaining an even keel and staying calm under pressure.

And even if you are still feeling some anxiety about that presentation, remember a small amount of fear is natural and can even spur you on when needed just as long as you don’t let it overcome you.

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