How to Attract a Great Relationship

Attract Relationship

Many of us are at a loss when it comes to attracting a great relationship, which isn’t surprising in a sense, as our attitude to attracting relationships is more of a hopeful one than a strategic approach. You might think that planning out who you want to spend the rest of your life with is rather sterile and not at all romantic but it doesn’t have to be. When we compare almost any other area of our life such as finding an ideal job, home or even buying a new car, significant amounts of research and planning go into getting our desired outcome which, isn’t considered to be unusual by any means. When compared to attracting a loving relationship, we usually do little preparation or planning. So, what should our approach to dating be and more importantly how do we prepare to meet the ideal partner?

1. Accept Yourself

The first step is to be happy with and to accept yourself as you are, knowing that you alone are enough. While it would be nice to have a romantic relationship, it’s not necessary in order to live a fulfilling and happy life. We can be fully fulfilled and happy without another person by our side. We also recognise however, that while we don’t need romance, we would happily welcome the right person into our life, but without everything depending on this happening. We know that we can be happy with or without a romantic partner but if a positive relationship does come along it would be the icing on the cake. Once we realise that we can be happy despite our relationship status, we can begin to open up to welcoming a loving relationship into our life. It sounds like a paradox but being happy and accepting yourself comes before you can be happy being with someone else.

2. Define Your Perfect Partner

The second step is to define what you are looking for. Start by writing down the characteristics of your ideal partner, what you’d ideally like them to look like, their personality, the career they work at, where they live (presumably nearby) and any other traits that you’d like your life partner to possess. Make a detailed list but be sure to finish off the list by stating that “this or something better now manifests for me, in an effortless and joyful way.” This statement allows us to be open to our idea of an ideal relationship or something even better than we have imagined. It also enables the universe to unfold its magic without placing restrictions on the request for a loving, happy relationship. We may be subconsciously restricting ourselves by only listing certain things when the partner that we’re due to meet has many other traits and virtues. Once the list is complete, put it away and know that this partner or someone even better is coming to you.

3. Visualise the Relationship

Once your perfect partner is defined, you can forget about the list and know with absolute certainty that a romantic relationship is on its way and it’s only a matter of time before you meet. Having said that, letting go of your request also means not worrying about it. However, you can positively reinforce what you have requested each day by visualising yourself with your true love and giving thanks for them. Having let go of any worries or doubts, you have started to positively reinforce that this relationship is already present in your life. You know with certainty that this person exists now and that you will meet them. If you act as if you have already met and this relationship is already part of your life, it will speed things up enormously.

Visualise yourself being with and around your life partner. What does it feel like? Feelings are a vital part of the visualisation process. Allow yourself to experience on an emotional level what it now feels like to be with this person. Let yourself experience feelings of joy, love, happiness, gratitude and any other positive emotions that come up. You might also find that other emotions such as relief arise, having finally met this wonderful person, knowing that they are the right partner for you and that you are meant to be together.

Spend time each day visualising and experiencing these emotions. It’s beneficial to sit in meditation and get yourself into a positive place. Start by taking a few deep breaths, relax your body and begin to visualise the relationship. Experience your perfect partner with all of your senses – see them in your minds eye, feel the warmth of their embrace or the sense of their hand holding yours, smell their unique scent, imagine talking to them, laughing and having fun with them and sharing a meal together. Experience in as much detail as possible the emotions you feel when with your ideal partner. Once you do this every day, making your visualisation more detailed and more experiential each time, you’ll start to notice that you become a lot happier in yourself. The realisation sets in that you no longer need to worry about or even look for this relationship as you know that romantic love will come to you, the ideal relationship will arrive at the perfect moment and at the perfect place. The universe will conspire to bring about the right set of circumstances for you to meet.

If you want to supercharge your visualisation, creating a vision board is a fantastic way to bring your visualisation to life. Collect images from magazines, flyers, and stickers and print out photos from the Internet of your ideal partner. Cut out a photo of yourself and place it on the vision board. Create scenes of your perfect date, holidays together, and place words and affirmations on the vision board such as – happy, healthy relationship, ideal partner, romantic love, true love and so forth. Place the vision board in an area that you will see it daily and spend time giving thanks for all the scenes transpiring with effortless ease.

Next however, you have let down any barriers that you may have been creating through worry or fear of not meeting a romantic partner.

4. Release Fear

Fear is an enormous barrier, which can keep a loving relationship away just because we have built up a wall of fear around ourselves. By projecting that fear out, we are signaling, “I am not going to meet the right person.” This creates an energetic barrier around ourselves, to the extent that we could be in the same room as our ideal partner that we are destined to be with, but because of fear we never actually talk to each other. Whereas once the wall of fear has been dropped, we open up to positive thoughts and emotions through visualisation and suddenly we act like a magnet and we start to vibrate to the frequency of our desire. Our energy field acts like a magnet, pulling our life partner towards us. Everything within us vibrates to the frequency of attracting a loving relationship, which, can be so strong that we end up meeting each other very quickly. Depending on the person however, it might take a little longer to come about. Some of us need time to become comfortable with our desire. We realise that while we do want to attract a partner into our lives, and having previously worried about it, we may not be quite ready for it in the present moment. We are happy at a heart level with our current situation but haven’t realised this before. We have only mentally thought about meeting somebody but not realising in our heart that we are quite happy to wait for the right person to come about at the right time, whilst also knowing that it will happen at the perfect time.

For those of us that meet the partner of our dreams relatively quickly—within a few days or weeks—we have immediately opened up to meeting this person as the timing is right or the meeting could even be overdue. Once our guard has been let down, we open up to attracting and meeting a loving partner. We must also remember however that the other person must be in the same place emotionally and if they are, the meeting will happen very quickly.

5. Letting Go

The final step is to let go, knowing that true love will come into your life and that you deserve to be in a happy, healthy relationship. If you find yourself falling back into old habits and worrying about meeting your partner or if you feel that it is taking too long to come about, recognise your thoughts but don’t dwell on them. Instead practice saying positive affirmations, repeating them on a regular basis—multiple times a day—in order to train your mind to think positively and to program your subconscious into believing that you are already in a positive, loving relationship. Some of the following affirmations should get you started but also add your own to the list, using words and phrases that resonate with you.

“My relationship with my partner grows stronger and more loving each day”

“I am now in a loving, healthy relationship”

“I am happy and fulfilled”

“I love my partner and my partner loves me, we grow together in perfect harmony”

“I enjoy sharing my life with the person that I love”

And it’s not just relationships that we can manifest through practicing these steps, we can use them in other areas of our lives to attract a new job or material wants, health or any other desire. It is important to spend time each day however meditating, visualising and learning how to control our thoughts and actively manifest desires in our lives. By doing this on a regular basis, we then begin to become very effective in manifesting and we realise that the world is our oyster. We can use these tools to open up to and attract all of our true hearts desires in an effortless way, without struggle. It may sound like a lot of work but it’s worth putting in a little bit of effort to actualise our dreams.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you’d like to go deeper into your spiritual practice, so you can manifest the life you desire, my members group the Fiercely Spiritual Family could be the very thing you’re looking for. Find out more here.

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One response

  • My name is Pradeep Sharma
    I am in love with a girl name Ruby varma
    she considered me as a friends but I more then that
    I love her because of her simplicity
    I want to make her feel about my feelings
    please can you guide me with any possible positive affirmation so that I can make her feel and become her life partner with well wishes of our both family members