Freedom Awaits You

Set Yourself FreeAre You Residing in a Prison Cell of Your Own Making? Many of us find that we are encased in our own prison cells. We have built up walls around ourselves, often subconsciously, and before we realise it, we are surrounded by seeming impenetrable walls and desperately searching for a way out.

Now, here’s the irony, we can’t escape this prison, for there is nowhere to go.

This is our life and we have created this situation. We hold the walls of the self-constructed prison together through our intentions. While we are searching for a door or a window, we fail to realise that stepping outside isn’t an option, there is no outside, there are no doors. However, we can choose to deconstruct the prison walls; we can create a new reality. Once this is realised and the decision is made to change our intentions, the walls crumble away instantly and sunlight comes flooding into our lives.

We can now begin to have some fun as we have given up the effort of the search, as this is a time consuming and energy sapping pursuit. Now that we have established that this reality is all there is and there is no need to search outside of ourselves, we can relax and focus on creating our lives in the ideal image of our desires. We create our reality anew every day, in each moment and second; through our thoughts, emotions, words and actions. If we dwell in a space of anger, refusing to let go of negative feelings, we very quickly rebuild our prison cell. We lay the foundations and continue building row upon row, layer upon layer of bricks. If we catch ourselves and change our thoughts, letting go of anger and focusing instead on love and peace, the walls once again start to crumble away.

We have to be vigilant and cognisant of our thoughts and emotions in order to remain in the sunlight and to stay aligned with the purest of intentions. “Oh, what an effort” you may think, and you would be right, it is an effort to begin to change habits that have lasted a lifetime but the reward is worth it. In fact, on reconsideration, it isn’t as difficult as we perceive it to be and over time it gets easier and easier with practice. It is far more difficult to live in and maintain a self-built prison. But all is not lost, freedom awaits you.

Choose love, peace and happiness in each and every moment and see the positive effects change your life for the better.

Set yourself free, you are the only one who can.

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