The Surprising Truths I Learned About Myself from Practicing Yin Yoga

Photo by kjpargeter / Freepik

Photo by kjpargeter / Freepik

Each time I practice yin yoga, the teacher asks if there is anyone new in class. There are always a few. She then asks if they have practiced yin yoga before and usually she is greeted with silence. While yin yoga may not be the most common form of yoga practice, I believe it will become much more sought after.

If you haven’t heard about yin yoga before, it’s the practice of holding each pose for about three minutes but up to twenty minutes. Simple right? Wrong! I love a good yoga flow class where I’m challenged physically, mentally and sometimes emotionally! I find gentle yoga somewhat boring and much prefer a fast class filled with challenging sequences and stretches. So when I injured my left intercostal muscles, I was disappointed to have to take a break from my yoga practice.

Roll on months later and after recuperation I decided to gently reintroduce an easier yoga practice that wouldn’t aggravate my ribs – introducing yin yoga…Read the rest of my article on mindbodygreen

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