Your Angel Guidance, Monday 6th – Sunday 12th April 2020

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance, Monday 6th – Sunday 12th April 2020

“We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for all that you do. We see and hear you Dear One. We know you deeply. We know of your suffering and your triumphs. We celebrate your success and feel your loss. We too are on this journey with you and we want you to know how we admire you. We are in awe of you and all that you do. We want you to know this and to appreciate yourself and your efforts. Let not your triumphs be in vain.

“If you are always searching for the next thing to conquer, you miss each small triumph in this moment, and there are so many. Celebrate each time you choose love over fear. Rejoice when you express the love that you are instead of siding with anger. Feel our appreciation as we celebrate with you.

“You have come so far and now we urge you to pause for a moment to drink in your value and appreciate your greatness. When you do this, your self-worth in turn increases and you have even more to offer.

“Yes, your journey continues ever onwards and there will always be more to do but you will not get there faster by living in the future. You will not accomplish more by rushing. Only when you focus your attention in the now will you experience true bliss. In this moment we are here with you. We are confident that you will succeed and in truth you are already successful. There is no more to do but to simply become more of You!

“This is a delicious process is it not? Sometimes you forget to enjoy yourself along the way. Enjoyment brings you true satisfaction. You become a magnet for more joy. When you can fully enjoy each task, even the seemingly mundane, you are gifted with a most joyous life. This is your choosing. You simply have to align with your joy, and be that!

“Wonderful things are coming if you choose the joy that is inside you now.”

Thank You for Being Here…

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I’m here to help you to connect with the Angels and ignite your spiritual power. I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel. 

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