Your Angel Guidance, Monday 18th – Sunday 24th May 2020

Your Angel Guidance, Monday 18th – Sunday 24th May 2020

Angel guidance

“All is as it should be, now and always. You are perfect, as you always have been. What if we were to tell you that any sign of imperfection that you now perceive is merely an illusion and that it is impossible for you to be anything other than perfect? What if you knew without any doubt of your perfection and trusted in this with absolute faith and conviction? Would your seeming imperfections melt away? Without a doubt. They would simply disappear, for you can not believe you are perfect and still harbour imperfection. The results would be breathtaking.

“However, because you choose to focus not on your perfection, but on your “flaws” this is what you see and this becomes your reality. Whatever you focus on you get more of. It is an absolute law and it can not be overridden.

“How do you choose to see only perfection? Good question! You become very still. You ask us to connect you to the perfect version of yourself that exists eternally. You focus only on this, you become this. Once you bring this energy into your field, you will start to become this version of you. BUT, while you are waiting to see this in your present reality, let not the illusion of imperfection draw you back into thinking you are in some way flawed.

“Your attention is paramount here. We know that fixing your attention on something can be very difficult and we say to you, do not lose faith. Keep practicing, keep asking for our help and be easy on yourself during this process. Most of all, do not judge yourself when you perceive you have failed. Keep going, remain steadfast and you will see the results you desire.”

Thank You for Being Here…

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I’m here to help you to connect with the Angels and ignite your spiritual power. I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel. 

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