Your Angel Guidance, Monday 15th – Sunday 21st July 2019

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance – Monday 15th – Sunday 21st July 2019

“The process (of awakening) is becoming easier for you as you step more and more towards the light. Of course, the light is within you, you are acknowledging this and staying in the light for longer periods.

“Before, you would dip into the light when things were going “well” for you. Now you know that things are going well BECAUSE you are in the light.

“You’re not afraid to stay here, as you once were. At one time your light scared you. You were afraid of it’s power so you hid out in the darkness. It felt “safer”. But now you have come to realise that the darkness offers you nothing and the light offers you everything you’ve ever wanted.

“It feels good to bask in the light. Stay with these good feelings. Become the light that you already are. It’s in you!

“Don’t worry about the process, simply unfold into love.

“You allow love when you stop resisting it. There is nothing more to do to become love, it is who you are.”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I’m here to help you to connect with the Angels and ignite your spiritual power. I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel.  



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4 responses

  • I love your wisdom, podcasts & free webinars. I’ve been on my spiritual journey for about 2 years now. The guidance today really hit home for me. I’ve been trying so very hard, but yes sometimes it does feel like I’m just spinning my wheels. I see other people that have just started & wonder how the hell are they having these synchronicities, theses miracles they’re receiving, all of it?? What am I not doing or doing wrong? I pray everyday ( multiple times) I’ve taken courses in the Archangels, I practice gratitude… I had an aha moment today when I pulled the Angel card Peace then read & journaled about it. I also had an aha moment a couple of we

  • Sorry! Maybe I ran out of room above. ( I know this is long & I’m sorry for that, but have to get this out) anyway, also an aha moment couple of weeks ago. I think I’m actually beginning to “get it”. And it does make sense to me! It’s nothing I or anyone can teach you. They can only guide you. Be patient & don’t get discouraged. Thank you Sandra Rea for all your experience & wisdom. Read the Angel Oracle book Annika Wauters. It comes with the Oracle cards. REALLY read it. You’ll “get it”

  • Thank you Sandra for this weeks insights about staying in the light. I have been dealing with a sore groin and hip. The avute phase has subsided but i am still not able to go romping on the beach. This has help me stay focused.