Your Angel Guidance Monday 23rd – Sunday 29th September 2019

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance Monday 23rd – Sunday 29th September 2019

“All the answers are inside you. You have the knowingness right in your heart. Your truth. It speaks to you. Let it show you the way. Honour it. Allow it to guide you.

“There are times when you feel lost, this is just an absence of the truth. Your truth always exists within you but you can choose to cut yourself off from it. That feeling of being lost is just the feeling of disconnect that occurs when you are not aligned with your truth.

“Get into the habit of checking in with your heart regularly. How does it feel? Your good feelings guide you towards that which is best for you. Your feelings of discomfort are showing you that you are facing towards something that is not for you.

“Of course, you often get jumbled up in your emotions and feelings and then you don’t know north from south. This is why we encourage you to check back in with your heart often. Listen to its guidance. Be still. It is not hard to hear.

“What is your heart telling you? How does it feel?

“Begin to trust the feelings in your heart. Go to your heart for guidance. Know that you have the answers inside you. Trust yourself and open up to all that you can be!”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I’m here to help you to connect with the Angels and ignite your spiritual power. I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel.  

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