Episode 29: Igniting Your Inner Light

Sandra Rea’s Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, Episode 29: Igniting Your Inner Light

I love when Divine synchronicity shows up in my life. A while ago I broke the glass part of a new herbal tea pot my husband had bought me. I was upset but I knew I could replace it. But, I kept putting it off. I’d been meaning to replace it but I just hadn’t got around to it. I decided, I’m going to get a new one. Then my Mum showed up to my house with a herbal tea pot that she wasn’t using wanting to know if I wanted it? Yes! Thank you Universe!

A week or two later I hadn’t been using the pot and I said to my husband that I must invest in some nice herbal teas. I love drinking herbal tea and I wanted to treat myself. A couple of days later a package arrived at my door marked speciality herbs. I hadn’t ordered anything so it was a complete surprise when I opened it and saw some amazing herbal tea preparations inside. It was sent out of the blue by a member of my group the Fiercely Spiritual Family who wanted to say Thank You!

It blows me away how the Universe conspires to bring us the things we want, if we are open to it.

Divine synchronicity is always available to us but we’re usually not lined up to receive it!

You can open up in so many ways to these divine synchronicities and when you do, you’ll want to do it again and again because you know that there is a formula and it works!

That’s why I created my members group the Fiercely Spiritual Family to teach others the things that I have learned to allow me to “conspire” with the Universe rather than pushing against it which is what I used to do. And believe me, working with the Universe is SO much better!

This week on the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I share a guided meditation that I recently added to my members group. This meditation came to me while out walking the other day… I was asking for guidance and it started “downloading”. It’s called Igniting Your Inner Light. It’s just 15mins but really powerful, so make sure to listen at a time when you can close your eyes and you’ll be undisturbed.

If you’d like to become a member of the Fiercely Spiritual Family, I’ll be opening the doors again very soon for new members to join.

Register your interest here to be the first to find out when it reopens.

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2 responses

  • Hi Sandra thank you so much for this lovely vidio i experince beautifull moment were i could conect whith my body and spirt,just need to practicar a bit more whith meditaciion that i could shorely do whith your help.
    Thank you so much for showing me all this wonderfull and beautifull World.

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