Angel Signs – What Do They Mean?

Angel Signs

“As long as your request is positive and doesn’t interfere with anyone else’s free will, and does not interfere with your life plan, then the Angels will be able to answer your call.”
~ Hazel Raven

I often get asked “why have the Angels not answered me. I have been asking for Angel signs and guidance and nothing is happening.” I’ve been explaining the reasons why it may seem as if the Angels are not answering but as there are quite a number of factors to consider, I thought it would be beneficial to write an article explaining in more detail about Angel signs. I’ll explain about some of the specific signs from the Angels further on, but first let’s look at reasons why you may not be “getting” any signs.

Some points to Consider

1. For the Highest Good
Is your request for the highest good of all concerned, including you? If you are interviewing for a job and there are many other interviewees, asking the Angels to “get” you the job may not be the best request. After all someone else may be a better fit for it and the Angels might have something better in mind for you. Instead, ask for them to support you during the interview. Then release control of the outcome. Asking the Angels to align you with the perfect job at the right time takes the burden from you and allows the divine to take over.

2. Are the Stars aligned?
If something is meant for us then it will surely come but sometimes we must wait. The Angels may need to line up events and circumstances in our favour. They will never do something that goes against our free will or that is detrimental to someone else. The Angels often need time for everything to fall into alignment. While we think that nothing is happening, they are busily working in the background. Have patience!

3. Are you Listening?
So you’ve asked for a prayer to be answered a thousand times and still nothing. Your pleas have been heard and are being answered. Perhaps the Angels are asking you to wait or they could be telling you to stop worrying as the worry is preventing the good that you desire from coming to you. The reason why you haven’t heard their response is most likely that you haven’t stopped to listen.

Try This
After talking to the Angels, take five, ten or twenty minutes to sit and listen. Be still and sit without distraction in silence. Afterwards write down any insights or thoughts that came to you. Don’t worry if you didn’t receive an answer, the Angels know that you are now listening and they may answer in unexpected ways (more on this below).

4. Be Observant
We often miss subtle signs from the Angels as we are busily going about our lives. Pay attention to what’s going on around you. The Angels send messages in all sorts of ways and if you are caught up in doing, day dreaming and worrying, you may well miss the signs!

5. Doubtful?
You think you got a sign but you have started analysing what you received and now you are not so sure. Your mind is telling you the opposite of the message you received and now you’re really not certain, so you do nothing.

Try This
If you receive a sign, trust it. Write it down straight away and release the need to over analyse. If you are really unsure, ask for THREE signs so you can be certain.

6. Trust your Intuition
Sometimes we already know the answer to the question we are asking. You strongly feel that you should do something but feel afraid, or you repeatedly have a sense of knowing but haven’t taken action. You’ve asked the Angels what to do but you haven’t received a response. In this situation the Angels want you to be empowered to make your own decisions. They have not answered because they want you to trust your own inner wisdom. They will always be near, supporting us but there are times when they will choose not to respond.

It’s a bit like a young child asking her mother a question. Her mother is aware that the child already knows the answer, so instead of giving the answer, the mother asks the same question of the child.

7. Take Action
Often we feel that our prayers haven’t been answered because we have failed to take action when needed. If you are praying for better health and the Angels are guiding you to consume a healthier diet, it may not be the answer that you wanted to hear. If you then continue to smoke, drink alcohol or eat unhealthy foods, it may seem as if the Angels are not bringing you good health as you have asked. It is up to us to take action, even if the guidance isn’t easy to carry out. The Angels will always support us however if we take even the smallest steps in the right direction.

Angel Signs

Images & Symbols
Angels send us physical signs in many shapes and forms. They can range greatly, such as a symbol or picture of an angel or finding a coin if we have asked for money (the coin symbolises that money is on it’s way).

Angels work with nature to send us signs – seeing a white feather, noticing a bird (such as a robin), seeing angel wings form in the clouds, flowers (such as roses) and finding or being given crystal stones.

Personal Signs
If you have asked an important question and want a really clear answer, you can ask to see or experience something specific. It can be something significant to you or something random that you have asked to see. Someone I know was asking for a sign if they should go ahead with a particular career path. She asked to see a silver fox if the change was meant for her. A day later she came across a website that had an image of a silver fox. Of course there is a saying that someone attractive with grey hair can be called a “silver fox” so the Angels could have also answered figuratively rather than literally!

We can ask the Angels to be with us as we go asleep and to send us a sign through our dreams. Often this will result in having a very vivid and memorable dream that we remember when we wake. The dream may be the answer we were looking for or it may indicate another option or course of action that’s needed.

The Angels often use number sequences to communicate with us. There is a system for reading and interpreting the numbers which can be learned. According to Doreen Virtue “numbers point out the importance of seeing Heavenly messages third-dimensionally in order to show us the lessons, the growth opportunities, and the guidance contained within each of our experiences.”

The Angels sometimes indicate their presence with a beautiful scent. The smell can appear out of nowhere when there is no apparent source and disappear again just as quickly. Mother Mary is known to indicate her presence with the smell of Roses while Archangel Gabriel is associated with the smell of lilies. However your guardian angel may invoke a smell that you particularly like as a sign, such as the smell of baking or simply a beautiful aroma that you can’t quite place.

The Angels are beings of light and they will very often use light to let us know they are with us and as answers to our prayers. I often receive a brilliant flash of golden light while I’m meditating or talking with the Angels and I always know they are listening and supporting me. They can also show up as points of light or colours that we see with eyes open or closed.

If you are talking with the Angels and you get a sense of tingling or tickling around your hands, face or feet, it’s a sure sign that the Angels are around! They like to let us feel their presence in this way. I often get a tickling feeling around my face when I’m working with the Angels. It’s as if they are tickling me with their feathers and having a bit of fun!

A beautiful sign from the Angels is to feel their presence and their love. This can be conveyed through your own feelings of calm, peace and pure love. The feeling usually starts off gradually and builds until it can seem almost overwhelming but it the most radiant way. It is a very special sign from the Angels and all of us can feel their presence in this way if we open up to it.

The Angels can communicate with us through other people, song lyrics, advertisements, books and any number of other sources. When we have asked a question and then overhear someone having a conversation that seems to answer our question, it’s a sign that the Angels have arranged for you to hear this. We can also switch in music and hear a line of a song that jumps out at us. The important part is to be aware that the Angels are always communicating with you so be on the look out for the signs.


Have you read my new book? You can get your copy of Presence Awakening to the Light Within here


Thank You for Being Here…

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I help empaths get crystal clear guidance from the Angels each day so they can stop doubting their direction and start trusting they are guided and taken care of.

I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family.

If you’re an empath and you’d like to connect with your Angels, click here to sign up for this free training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day.

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