Messages From Your Angels

Messages From Your Angels – Monday 5th June 2017

“Some of you say you long for a different life, or you wish you could have this or that. Desire in itself is not a bad thing, indeed, desire is where all wishes stem from. However, wishing for something but believing you can’t have that something brings an energy of lack. When you are always wishing but not getting, disappointment prevails.
After experiencing disappointment you want to avoid feeling this way, so you stop wishing, you settle for the life you have and convince yourself that you are happy.

“We see your potential and we know how much this life has to offer to you. We see the life you could lead if only you were prepared to wish again. To wish for that which your heart desires. Your heart is not happy, it longs for more. It longs to express itself, to feel new feelings (even disappointment), and to explore the new. Your heart doesn’t see disappointment as good or bad, it is just another emotion in a range of emotions. And that is why you came here, to experience it all. Not just the love, but the fear, the anger, and the disappointment. Not to stay in these states, but to experience them and move onto the next delicious emotion. To experience it all in order to compare and contrast, to know it all.

“Staying in a state of numbness is not knowing it all. It is not experiencing the lows, but it is also not experiencing the highs. Wouldn’t you rather feel everything than feel nothing? And when we say nothing, in reality you are feeling something. You are feeling lost, alone, frightened, angry and sad, but you prefer to call this “normal”. What we wish for you is that you experience the highs of success, love, enlightenment, fulfilment, joy and happiness – true happiness. And we know that deep down this is what you want too.

“Start by admitting where you are at. Admit that you have been shying away from you emotions and from this experience of life. And then choose to start living to the full, to start experiencing all your emotions. Not judging any as good or bad but allowing yourself to feel. Welcome whatever comes, for it is the resistance of your emotions that causes greater pain than allowing yourself to fully feel them.

“We know you can do this. Have courage Dear One. This is what you are here for.”

Your Angel Messages are brought to you by Sandra Rea

I am Sandra, your Zen Deity of transformation. I turn your suffering into ease, your pain into relief and your confusion into clarity… Learn More Here

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