How to Develop the Happiness Habit

Life can be difficult at times. We can experience emotional ups and downs and many of us can feel as if we’ve been dealt a … Read the rest

Introduction to The Angels – Angel Course

If you are drawn to work with the Angels and are keen to learn more about them you will love this course. Spend a weekend … Read the rest

Define and Manifest your Goals

Looking for direction in life? Or do you know where you want to go but don’t quite know how to get there? Learn how to … Read the rest

The Peace That you Seek Lies Within

This was the messages that the angels gave me a few years ago “The peace that you seek lies within”. I was being told to … Read the rest

Learn How to Lift your Emotions in Six Easy Steps

We all go through situations in life when we feel discouraged or sad and we may even feel like giving up, either on ourselves or … Read the rest

Angel Guidance for the Week Ahead

“Be at peace dear ones. When you are constantly, struggling, striving and worrying you become misaligned and uncentered. You shift away from your connection to … Read the rest

Medical Study Finds Reiki Benefits Cancer Patients

Insightful research into the benefits of Reiki treatment for those suffering from Cancer has recently been conducted by the University of Huddersfield. While the benefits … Read the rest

Angelic Guidance for the Coming Week

Weekly angel messages to guide you in your decisions and actions for the week ahead. “Your guidance this week is to stay focused. Don’t let … Read the rest

Angel Guidance for The Week Ahead

“This week focuses on love, love for self, love for others, love for the animals and the planet. Love seems to come in many guises … Read the rest

Weekly Angel Guidance

“Take a step back to view and value your work, your achievements, your life. So little time is spent appreciating yourselves and all that you … Read the rest