Your Angel Guidance – Monday 23rd – Sunday 29th April 2018

Angel Guidance

Your Angel Guidance – Monday 23rd – Sunday 29th April 2018

“The light of love is everlasting, indistinguishable and constant. You are made of this light. In your heart is the everlasting glow of love, available to you at all times. You can access this space when you become still, still enough to feel its warmth.

“Try it now. Go within. Breathe into this space of stillness and love. Reconnect with it. How does it feel? Relax here for a moment (or as long as you like). Drink from this well of love and let it fill you up. Luxuriant in its deliciousness. Allow it to be within you without any resistance.

“Start your day off in this way. Consciously reconnect with this flam of love within you. Cherish it. Allow it to nourish you.

“It has never gone away. It is now and always will be there for you.”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra, a life alchemist dedicated to helping people like you to deeply heal, to discover your purpose, and live your best life. Learn More Here

Introduce your kids to the Angels and the magic of meditation with my book – Angels Aid, Guided Meditation for Children and Parents by Sandra Rea

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