Messages from Your Angels

Angel Message

Messages From Your Angels – Monday 8th May 2017

“We have talked about this subject of faith before. Your guidance is to have faith but you wonder how? How can you have faith in times of stress, in times of great worry and in times of pain? We say it is in these times when you must have the greatest faith. But yes, in answer to your question we will explain how.

“Faith comes not through worry but in letting go of worry.

“Faith comes not through control but in releasing control.

“Faith come not through striving but through ease and flow.

“How can you nurture these states? You have heard the phrase “let go and let God” but what does this mean? It means first believing that there is a force greater than you “running the show.” This concept is known to you but not believed. If you truly believed it, faith would not be an issue.

“You feel alone and isolated. You rely on your own power instead of tapping into your source. To use an analogy, it’s like running on battery power instead of plugging into an endless supply generated from a power station. Once you plug in you can draw as much energy as needed. In your case this means when you align with source energy, you have all the power you need but also all the creative ideas, the feeling of being in flow rather than going against the current, the insight, the ability and everything else you could want.

“It is not enough to plug in once a day to recharge. To gain most benefit, you must remain plugged in at all times. We will teach you how to do this. For now know that all is well. You are loved beyond measure. And when the time is right your faith will lead you home. To a place long forgotten but never lost. To a place more magnificent than words can describe. When you get there, you will know beyond any doubt.”

Your Angel Messages are brought to you by Sandra Rea
I am Sandra, your Zen Deity of transformation. I turn your suffering into ease, your pain into relief and your confusion into clarity… Learn More Here

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