Messages from Your Angels

Messages from Your Angels – Monday 12th June 2017

“You are doing nothing “wrong”. Your life may seem as if everything is going wrong but you Beloved are doing nothing wrong. For nothing can be wrong in the eyes of God. Everything you do is perfect, as are you.

“The question rather should be “how can I feel better.” If you are not enjoying life, if you wish to change your circumstances, then you can change the way you are feeling about life. You are feeling bad because you presume that you should be someplace else, with someone else and doing something else. If you accept where you are completely in this moment, you will no longer feel painful emotions because you have surrendered to what is. As you know by now, surrendering is not giving up, it is complete and utter acceptance.

“Once you master accepting and letting go of assumptions and wishing things were different, you can start to feel better. When you start to feel better you can raise your energy vibration and you can then start to feel better again and attract better circumstances.

“Bemoaning your situation won’t deliver you from it, it will only keep you stuck where you are. It’s okay to feel sad or angry, just don’t stay sad or angry. Accept your emotions and then consciously choose to feel better.

“You always have a choice. Even though you feel stuck and exasperated, you still have a choice.

“What are you choosing in this moment? How do you want to feel? Always aspire to feel better. We are supporting you and guiding you (with your permission) as always.”

Your Angel Messages are brought to you by Sandra Rea

I am Sandra and I’m a life alchemist. I’m dedicated to helping people like you to deeply heal, to step into your power, to experience true prosperity on every level and to live your best life. Learn More Here

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