Messages From Your Angels

Messages From Your Angels – Monday 22nd May 2017

messages angels
“It’s time to let go of all that is troubling you. It’s time to move forward in peace and joy. We know you have been deeply troubled and you have learnt much, but now is the time to move on, to take with you the learning and to let go of the pain.

“We have been by your side along the way and we know what you have experienced. It has not been in vain. There are valuable lessons which you have learnt and are still learning from. This has been the purpose of your experience. Not to remain stuck in sadness and pity, but to learn and grow.

“We never wish for you to remain in a cycle of “stuckness”. Indeed, this does not serve you and it was not your intention before you came here. Your intention was to learn and to grow, not to remain stuck in a never ending cycle of hurt and pain. It’s important for you to know this. Many never have this realisation and believe that life is cruel. It is not so. It is you who choose to remain in a state of pain and suffering, even if you do not believe it to be so.

“Often your intention is to avoid suffering and yet it seems to persist despite your best efforts to avoid it. However, avoiding pain is not the route out of pain. The route out is to face the pain, to welcome it, learn from it and then move on and release it. Not the other way around. You can’t release it first without having learnt from it and accepted it. Do you see the difference?

“So now, ask yourself, what are you trying to avoid that you need to accept? What have you been hiding from that you need to face? Are you prepared now to face what you have been running from? It takes courage and we are with you all the way.

“Have courage Dear One. You have so much to gain and nothing to lose.”

Your Angel Messages are brought to you by Sandra Rea

I am Sandra, your Zen Deity of transformation. I turn your suffering into ease, your pain into relief and your confusion into clarity… Learn More Here

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